The Delaware Department of Correction (DOC) operates four prison facilities (Level V), eight quasi-incarceration community corrections facilities that serve as violation of probation centers or work release centers (Level IV), and five Probation & Parole locations (Levels III, II, and I). Offenders may also be supervised while on home confinement, or the offender may be supervised on an administrative basis only while restitution is paid. Some offenders are physically housed at the Delaware Psychiatric Center while in the custody of the DOC. This dataset provides a snapshot of the offender population in custody or under supervision at these various locations on the last day of each calendar month. A count of how many offenders by the year, month (snapshot of last day of month), county, type of institution, institution name, sentence type, gender, race, and ethnicity can be produced by selecting the desired variable in each category. Questions about offender data can be directed to the DOC’s Planning & Research Unit. Instructions for submitting a data request can be found here: The DOC’s annual reports ( also contain a variety of information and data.
This dataset contains counts of full-time staff by educational level and experience. Data is aggregated at the state, district, and school level. Additionally, data is aggregated by gender, race, grade, and school type.
This dataset represents the counts of Delaware organ donors or non-organ donors based on the individuals' designations on the Delaware ID Card and/or Delaware Driver License.
The Government Support Services (GSS) office within Office of Management of Budget (OMB) administers statewide central contracts for use by state agencies, school districts, and municipalities which includes their spend data.
A visual representation of vendors currently under award for a contract with the State of Delaware by number and % who are determined to be Delaware based by state of incorporation or where the primary address in fulfillment of the award is located within the state.
The Government Support Services (GSS) office within Office of Management of Budget (OMB) administers statewide central contracts for use by state agencies, school districts, and municipalities which includes their spend data.
The Government Support Services (GSS) office within Office of Management of Budget (OMB) administers statewide central contracts for use by state agencies, school districts, and municipalities. This dataset provides line item spend data as reported by vendors awarded central contracts through monthly submission of vendor usage reports.
This is a public use data file on Delaware Births for 2009 to 2013 obtained from the Delaware certificate of live births. It includes the basic demographic information of the mother and some characteristics of birth.